It's been an eventful week. Apparently we wanted to keep with the dreary weather with our dreary events. I would like to see the sun for more than an hour or two, maybe today, before the next rain system comes through. But on the bright side, the "unsettled" weather is supposed to be gone for Mother's day and next week looks brighter.
On Saturday we were rearended. It was quite a big hit, the guy must have totally been not paying attention. We were on our way to Zac's baseball game and it was a field we had never been too before, so we weren't driving all that fast as we were looking for a road (out in the boonies where the GPS didn't work). We saw the road and Chuck stopped to turn left . . . lots of oncoming traffic. We both looked behind because it was a quicker stop, but the car was about 2 blocks behind us, so neither of us continued to watch him and waited to make the left. All of a sudden we heard screaching, in that split second I was looking around thinking who is that? never thinking it was the guy behind us. And then BAM!! Of course, as soon as it was done I was screaming, are the kids ok, are the kids ok? Jaxon cried for about 20 seconds as I think he was startled out of a doze. Zac proudly announced that it was the "THIRD" accident he's been in (none were all fault). Zac was closest to impact as he was in the third row of the van, but he was fine and quickly crawled out. The guy did try to get around us, but didn't quite make it, so our major damage is the back passenger side of the van and his front driver side was a mess. He screwed up his axle and the car was not drivable.
The most important thing, of course, is that we are all fine. Zac's neck was sore a bit the next day, but we haven't heard any complaints since. And I've learned not to ask, if it bothers him he'll say something, if I say something it just reminds him to get some sympathy! ;)
We will be replacing two car seats and will need a rental for about a week (the adjuster figured we'd be out of the van for at least that long). Since fitting two car seats and a teenager in the back of Chuck's car would not be a pretty sight, we will have to get a rental. Which is all covered by insurance.
Then Sunday, Jaxon was especially cranky. He still tried to smile and be happy, but he just would cry all of a sudden. No fever, BUT an occasional tug on the ear. So since he wasn't sleeping well either, I decided on a Monday morning pediatrician visit. As all you moms know, calling the peds on a Monday morning is so much fun, NOT.
So Monday morning rolls around and I'm greeted by a smiling infant AND a feverish, snotty toddler, who was on her way to losing her voice. Normally, I wouldn't have taken Cassidy to the ped because she gets a cold like this every 6 months or so, but since I was already going I made an appt for both. I was only on hold about ten minutes and had an appt for 9:40. Chuck had emailed work to say he was going to work from home, so he could help me with the kids and get the van stuff squared away. So we both went to the docs. Cassidy was quickly confirmed as a cold and Jaxon was confirmed with a double ear infection and prescribed bubble gum medicine.
So a couple days later everyone is on the mend. Cassidy did lose her voice, but it's back in full force and Jaxon slept through the night last night and is back to normal.
Then yesterday when Zac came home from school he said his cell phone wasn't working (the screen would keep disappearing). Well it's only a couple months old and still under warranty, so I told him to get his butt outside and help dad with cutting the grass and we would probably have time to run to the AT&T store before his 8 o'clock game. So we head to the AT&T store, I stayed in the car with the munchkins for a while, until Jax was ready to get out. Then I ventured in with both kids. Luckily, things were moving quickly when I went in. They replaced Zac's phone without much fuss and we headed back to the van . . . buckled everyone in . . . and then CLICK CLICK CLICK -- the battery was dead. UGH!!! The lights and radio came on, so we knew it just needed a jump, but we didn't have cables. Now this wasn't the end of the world because across the street was an auto store, but we only needed a jump. Thankfully, our bestest friends were home and they only live about 5 minutes from where we were and Jim was there before we knew it giving us a jump. This is the 3rd or 4th time we've needed a jump in the last couple years (mostly due to Zac leaving something on in the van after we vacate it!) so Chuck is going for a new battery later today. We grabbed some Taco Bell and headed home and got Zac to his game on time -- HOWEVER, he was a whiney brat about it, because he likes to get there earlier than the coach asks so he can throw with one of his friends and proceeded to whine about it for the whole 2 minutes it takes to get to the field. I was in no mood and told him to stuff it because our household no longer only revolves around him!! I admit it did when he was the only one for 13 years, but gimme a break!
So after dropping him off I run to my mom's to let her pooch out because they are on vacation and head home to make myself presentable because I'm working the concession stand. Kiss everyone goodnight and am excited that I get to miss out of bedtime duties for the first time in . . . FOREVER? no not really but feels like it. I get to the field with Zac's hat, because Mr. Whiner who was complaining I didn't get him there earlier enough forgot his hat. And as I'm watching them warmup I feel PLOP PLOP PLOP . . . not a light drizzle, but BIG drops. Oh joy. At least I'd be in the stand if it rains. Suffice to say, at 7:55 it decides to POUR. With all the rain we've had recently it didn't take long for our field to look like a big old mud puddle.
After a 15 minute discussion with the umps (at least I was smart enough to grab an umbrella, since the parking lot is quite a distance) it was decided no game. So we headed home (first had to pick up my mom's dog cause he spends the night with Zac) and headed home. Everyone was asleep; Cassidy in her crib and Jaxon on Chuck's shoulder. Of course, about 90 minutes later our little fusspot woke up crying and didn't put himself back to sleep, so 15 minutes on my shoulder sent him off to dreamland and HE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!! So I'm taking that as a sign that things are going to be getting brighter.
And with that said, the sun has come out . . . even if it's just for the day.