Merry Christmas Santa

Well Cassidy didn't like Santa one bit! Even when we enlisted big brother, Zac to help. She still wasn't happy sitting next to that guy!


Thatcher's Mommy said...

Hey Cassidy- Was Santa really scary? I'm gonna go see him soon. I'm nervous! ~Thatch

Kristy Lynn said...

Poor Cassidey! If she only knew all the goodies he'll be bringing her!! She'd be smiling then!

Ashley Marshall said...

awww! Poor Cassidy is scared of the white hairy man! :)

Irishembi said...

Santa's not so bad Cassidy - he left you lots of goodies didn't he? And tell Daddy to stop putting those awful Pirates clothes on you! Wow Dani - Zac looks so much like you it's ridiculous! LOL! Happy New Year Mondscheins!